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Enterprise Invoice Export


Enterprise requires a compilation of all invoices that have been generated within a specified number of past days. The format and characteristics of the exported data are defined by Enterprise.


Enterprise will import the generated Invoice file into their accounting system for further processing.

File format

Excel - *.xslx


Column PositionHeader NameDescriptionDatatypeValidationMax lengthMandatoryDefault ValueExample
ATEMPLATE IDVendor name and date when the export file was createdstringA-Z, 0-9 and all special characters100YesDigitalInnk_02/11/2022
BVENDOR NAMESupplier's group NamestringA-Z, 0-9 and all special characters50YesGrand Repair
CVENDOR IDSupplier Id in ViSNstringA-Z, 0-9 and all special characters10Yes0000006789

This is the supplier Id assigned to the supplier in ViSN. Refer to below image

This value is expected to be 10 characters in length. hence if the supplier id is less than 10 characters, adding a prefix with zero is performed so it will be consistent

Ex: GRAUTO shall become 0000GRAUTO

DVENDOR SET IDVendor Id that should be mapped to Enterprise's accountStringA-Z characters6YesAPGBRAPGBR

Enterprise needs a predefined identifier for their processing logic, data is maintained in Firebase for the same at

document: /leasecompany/[LeaseId]/config/exportsConfig 
attribute: vendorSetId
  • If a value exists, then it will be used as vendor-set-id for the export
  • If the document or the attribute doesn't exist, then the field will be left blank in the export

See Appendix 1 for the document sample

EVENDOR LOCATIONPostcode/EirCode StringA-Z & 0-920YesOX144SA

Enterprise needs a custom location for a few supplier groups, the data is maintained in Firebase for the same at

document: /leasecompany/[LeaseId]/config/exportsConfig 
attribute: vendorBillingEntityLocations

The postcode will be replaced based on the vendorBillingEntityLocations using the following methodology

  • Get Vendor billing locations that are pre-configured, and received in sets of account-id and postcode
  • If a value exists for the account to which the enquiry belongs, use the corresponding postcode for the export
  • If the value doesn't exist for the account, use the postcode of the supplier

See Appendix 1 for the document sample

FSTATEMENT DATEExport generated datedatenn/nn/nnnn in dd/MM/yyyy format10Yes16/04/2023
GINVOICE NUMBERInvoice numberstringA-Z & 0-9 and '/'20Yes23456/1

This will be the supplier invoice number with a slash and version number for each line or group of invoiced transaction.

Ex: Supplier Invoice Number NT/124881000
Line 1: NT/124881000/1
Line 2: NT/124881000/2
Line 3: NT/124881000/3

Refer to below image

HREPAIR DATE4 days prior check‑in datedatenn/nn/nnnn in dd/MM/yyyy format10Yes16/04/2023

4 calendar days before the date the vehicle was checked in to the garage. Refer to below image

IVEHICLE DESCRIPTIONMake Model of the vehiclestringA-Z & 0-9, space, Dash, hyphen and underscore150NoCITROEN C5 AIRCROSS

This is the make and model of the vehicle the enquiry has raised against. Refer to below image

KLICENSEVehicle Registration numberstringA-Z & 0-9 Dash, hyphen12YesMH12JBS

This is the registration number of the vehicle the enquiry has raised against. Refer to below image

LVINChassis number of vehiclestringA-Z & 0-917NoHXGKEAAMJ9K361461

This is the Chassis number of the vehicle the enquiry has raised against. Refer to below image

MCLAIM NUMBERRecharge NotesstringA-Z and 0-9 & All Special Characters150NoNXTORD001

Enterprise classifies the job lines in a jobSheet based on the claim number, these classifications are entered in the recharge notes against the jobLine

Classification is done as per below methodology

  • Non Recharge Line(s): The lines that don't have recharge enabled should be classified and grouped as 'Other'

  • Recharge Line(s) without claim number: The lines that have the recharge enabled, but no mention of recharge notes should be classified and grouped as 'Other' as well

  • Recharge Line(s) with claim number: The lines that have the recharge enabled, and a recharge note is added then they should be classified and grouped together based on the recharge note.
    If there were more than one recharge notes added for a job sheet, there shall be multiple groups of lines to add in the export

NINVOICE TOTALInvoice Total Costnumbernnnn.nn6Yes280.08
This is the total sum of the job line or the group of job lines grouped based on the claim number that is entered in the recharge notes field (col-S + col-AA),
OACCOUNTa custom value based on claim numberstringA-Z and 0-9 & All Special Characters12YCLM001

Enterprise uses a static account for all the job lines that are classified as 'Other'

  • When claim number is 'Other' then populate with 1681 - 500300
  • When the claim number is not 'Other' then leave the field blank
PMILEAGEJob sheet mileagenumber0-9 numbers10No20120
SDESCRIPTION AMOUNTnumbernnnn.nn0-9 numbers6Yes304.21

This is the sum of the pre-vat total of a job line or the group of job lines grouped based on the claim number that is entered in the recharge notes field

VPARTS AMOUNTNet Invoice Costnumbernnnn.nn6Yes125.38
AATAXInvoice VATnumbernnnn.nn6No94.82

This is the sum of the VAT amount of a job line or the group of job lines grouped based on the claim number that is entered in the recharge notes field

ABGPBRBranchstringA-Z and 0-9 & All Special Characters20NoBLANKU8T9
This is a custom value formulated based on the branch, repair date and branch history
branch history
A chronological trace of stock import where the modification reason is a change to the branch field of the respective stock
repair date
Column H of record being exported
  • The branch is determined based on the location of the vehicle on a specific repair date, which is ascertained by examining the branchHistory array of the stock document. The repair must fall within the startDate and endDate parameters or be the most recent record without an end date.
  • If there is no match for a given date range, use blank value as branch.
click on this link, to know how GPBR is formulated

Data source

At the time of invoicing the enquiry the data is generated and kept ready for export

The generated data is maintained in Firebase at

doc: /accounts/[AccountId]/serviceUnits/[ServiceUnitId]/enquiries/[EnquiryId]/invoices/groupedByClaimNumber
attribute: records

Setup Required

A Scheduler should be created cloud scheduler with the following parameters

  • Name: GenerateEnterpriseExportXLS
  • Region: europe-west2
  • Frequency: 59 23 \* \* 7
  • TimeZone: GMT London
  • Topic: projects/biddirect-2/topics/generateEnterpriseExportXLS
  • Message body: a JSON object including the following parameters
    • dateTimeStamp: in format yyyy-MMM-dd ex 2022-Sep-30 , when skipped it will default to current date
    • leaseCompanyId: id that needs to be considered for enterprise lease
    • forNoOfPreviousDays: No.of.days the export should go back from the date mentioned, when skipped defaults to 7 i.e., a week
    • destinationFolder: folder which the export file must be placed in, it's optional

Appendix 1: export config document sample

"vendorBillingEntityLocations": [
"accountId": "4eyYUszi3iYZzdw189rb",
"locationCode": "OX144SA"
"accountId": "ALRbwQqIVhr0wBjWu0Wp",
"locationCode": "B980DA"
"vendorSetId": "APGBR"
Status: Accepted
Category: Protected
Authored By: Rama on May 10, 2023
24 Dec, 2023 - Revise to include GPBR formulation based on branch code and locale, VN-10657
11 Nov, 2023 - Revise Repair Date column, VN-10291
3 Aug, 2023 - Revise to add claim number grouping, VN-7372
11 May, 2023 - Add Enterprise Export Documentation, VN-6517